Thursday, October 20, 2005

In Flew Enza

This is my response to a question passed along by one of our Australian (nationality) PMs. The PM was asked by a private banker what "expectations for the impact of Bird Flu pandemic on European equity markets" were. The PM offered beers for the best response. Here's my (right brain) reply:

From the West so far afield
Through vast plains of bounding yield
To fair Europe o'er mountains high
In flew Enza from the sky

What a bird and what she brought
Attaching fear to ev'ry thought
And to all kin of avian fold
She passed along her sword so bold

What will happen? we implore
Where's the danger? What's in store?
Flee the goose? Fear the crow?
Thoughtful minds were wont to know

Now from France the truth unfolds
What it is the future holds
Alas the news so bleakly sets:
The alouettes will pluck our tetes!


At 2:25 PM, Blogger HDShea said...

I won the beer!


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